Interview Q&As: Abbie Faulkner





Favourite Food? Lasagne.
Cool fact about yourself? I love elephants and I have fed one by hand and given her a bath. Her name is Krating Dang.
Funny joke? Teacher: “Anyone who thinks he’s stupid may stand up!”
Nobody stands up.
Teacher: “I’m sure there are some stupid students over here!!”
Little Johnny stands up.
Teacher: “Ohh, Johnny you think you’re stupid?”
Little Johnny: “No… I just feel bad that you’re standing alone…”
Favourite quote? “Dream big and work hard”.
What’s the best chocolate? Dream.
Embarrassing Story? Anything to do with my brothers (I’m never embarrassing JK).
What the most unusual thing you have ever eaten? In Thailand I was served “chicken elbows”. I thought it would mean chicken wings, but no – it was actually just the elbow.
In four words, describe orienteering to someone what? Cross-country with a map.
Do you have any pets? I have 2 chickens called Bill and Baby.
What would be in your dream sandwich? I don’t dream about sandwiches.
What’s the worst possible thing that could happen on an orienteering course? I would probably pass out if I saw a snake.
Greatest orienteering achievement?? Making the State Schools team.