Interview Q&As: Sarah Lim





How did you start orienteering? I learnt it at school (Linden Park), and my dad took us to a few city and bush events. I liked it but my brothers didn’t.
What do you like about orienteering? Making friends, the community, nature, getting to travel around the country. The Junior Arrows squad is really fun, and Bridget and Simon are great coaches.
Most memorable moments?
  • Getting lost at night as a 12 y.o. attending my first training camp at Flinders Ranges
  • Bridget and Simons ‘wedding’ in Queensland.
  • What else do you do/like? Church, painting, flowers, sunsets, tea.
    How did you prepare for Year 12? ‘Balance’ is important. Learn to relax as well as study. Me and a few friends took a week off studying in July to go skiing
    Plans for 2019? After earning enough money through waitressing and being an Outdoor Ed instructor, I will head to Perth for Easter, and then to Europe for 6 months. I will stay with an orienteering family in France for a month, then head to Belgium for a Christian youth program, then to UK to meet up with ex-SA orienteer, Lina Heuer, during her summer holidays. I’ll be back in October.
    Plans for 2020? Dunno.